Sea Mammals in Tadoussac

Sea Mammals in Tadoussac

Whales, dolphins and seals are all sea mammals that live in the St. Lawrence (E.g., Humpback Whales, Atlantic White-sided dolphins and Grey seals).

Blue Whales are the  biggest animals on earth but they are extremely rare to see because they were being hunted too much and now it is illegal to hunt blue whales. Blue whales are about 25-31 m long and weigh about 80-130 tons. A blue whale back and underside in blue-grey. The diet of a blue whale is krill (up to 4 tons a day).

Humpback Whales are the most well-known whale for their migratory path to the Caribbean Islands. A humpback whale is about 11-13 m long and weigh about 25-30 tons. Humpback whales have a dark grey back, a white underside, pectoral flippers 4 m long and humpback whales occasionally show its tail when diving. The diet of a humpback whale is small fish and krill.

The beluga whales stay in the Saint Lauren’s River all year long in pods. A fin whales back is dark-grey, their underside is white and their lower lip is white. A beluga whale is about 3-4.5 and weigh about o.7- 1.5 tons. Beluga whales are light brown at birth and turns blush gray then white as an adult. The diet of a beluga whale is varied- mollusks, worms, fish, squid and much more.

Fin whales are about 21-25 m long and weigh about 40-50 tons. The diet of a fin whale is small fish and krill.

Minke whales are about 8 m long and weight about 6-8 tons. Minke whales have a dark grey back, pale underside and a bright white large diagonal band across the middle of the flippers. The diet of minke whales is small fish and krill.

Grey seals are about 2-2.25 m long and weigh about o.2-0.4 tons. A grey seal is also called a horse head seal. Grey seals live in groups along rocky coasts. The diet of a grey seal is fish, mollusks and crustaceans.

Atlantic white sided dolphins are about 2.5-2.8 and weigh about 0.44- 0.51 tons. The cheek and the throat are white and the flippers and back are dark grey to black with the exception of the yellow patch behind the dorsal fin, lying above a light grey stripe that runs from the beak, above the eye and down the tail stock. The diet of a white sided dolphin is fish and squid.

White beaked dolphins are about 2-3 m long and weigh about 0.88 tons. The upper body and flanks are dark grey with light grey patches, including a ‘saddle’ behind the dorsal fin, while the underside is light grey to almost white. The white beaked dolphin is a robust species of dolphin with a short beak. The diet of a white beaked dolphin is fish, crustaceans, mollusks, octopus and squid.

A harbour porpoise is about 2-2.5 m long and weigh about 0.1-0.2 tons. The back, flippers and dorsal fin are dank grey and the belly is light grey. The diet of a harbour porpoise is fish, squid and crustaceans.

So far on our trip I’ve seen beluga whales, minke whales, white beaked dolphins, grey seals and I might have seen a fin whale.  Unfortunately they are very hard to capture on camera but we did manage to catch this Minke whale coming up for air.

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